
So many things rambling around in my head

First of all, I need to apologize! I didn't realize that my link to Arlene Steinberg's website was broken. Some very astute person showed me that I added a comma at the end of her name instead of a period...woops! So Remember my colored-pencil path I seemed to REALLY want to follow down? I still and following it, very very very slowly. A lot of fear and apathy stands in my way.

In a previous post, I raved about my love for Arlene's work.
She used to post at Wet Canvas forum years ago, and just researching her body of work there is incredible in and of itself. So you should totally CLICK on that link above!!
You should also browse Wet Canvas Forums for any painting/drawing/artistic endeavor.
There are so many topics and forums and sub-topics. I've visited the Drawing, Watercolor, Acrylic, Colored Pencil forums and everyone is always SO helpful. THere are links to past articles for newbies, and the "old timers" on there that are amazing artists willingly show you their stuff. It has changed my life 100% completely.

On that note...I've worked only a teensy bit more on my giraffe because I am lazy? tired? Something. But I may have to actually MAIL THIS TO SOMEBODY, so i hope it will give me some motivations.
I also am starting on a watercolor project for my aunt. It has been yearssssss since i've opened them. I'm still in the planning phase, and trying to go slow so I don't get so overwhelmed and want to pitch it out the window like I usually feel like doing.
I think that I am getting my art steam train going again. Its just little wheezy puffs, but maybe is coursing its way in me. For anyone who still reads, I appreciate it. Very much. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't, nor would I be upset. I did go from quite regular posting with artwork all over the place to decreasing my frequency of posting and taking a more narrow focus. Its hard when I can't separate what is an art funk, or depression, or that i work with toddlers all day, so i am tired. But even on weekends when I have unlimited hours to do work, I mostly don't. The past few weekends has been better, but still, not energizing. The last time I felt like that was in February when I was taking Flora Blowley's Bloom True course. Literally the second it ended, the wind when right out of my sails. Those damn half-finished paintings stare at me angrily every day on my walls, but i am so demoralized by them that I have given up.
Its that bewitching hour where you start rambling, and its never pleasant...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    So many things rambling around in my head
    Great common sense here! Wish I’d thought of that much earlier. Thank you for the tips.
