I was hoping I was getting my mojo back,
but it is coming ever so slowly in fits and starts.
At least I am still interested and inspired
even if I don't sit down at my art desk very often.
That being said, I have been intrigued by
Dawn Sokol's
NaNoJoMo prompt for art journaling this month.
Every day (the idea taken from NaNoWrMo) she posts
a word prompt on her blog, and you just have to put
something down on the page. It doesn't have
to be a full spread, even a mark will do!
Of course, I'm a "gotta finish" this page
before I move onto the next kind of gal.
So, I've done Day One so far. Woops
Inception was the word.
I immediately thought of the movie, and knew I wanted
to try and draw the little spinny thingy that Leonardo DiCaprio
uses to ground him, lets him know he's not dreaming.
That movie was fantastic and surreal.
I really connected with having a solid object
that keeps you grounded.
This may sound sort of crazy, but Jack does that for me.
At night if I have trouble sleeping, I can cuddle with Jack
and it calms me.
I have also been fascinated by the work people can do with colored pencils.
Arlene Steinberg
This is all done with colored pencils!
Fascinating is it?
I am amazed the perserverance that goes into colored pencil work.
It takes hours and hours of patiently layering light layers
of colors to get this look. I pretty much know I don't
have that kind of patience, yet I want to try.
I bought a book called Painting Light with Colored Pencil
and played in my moleskine last night.
I am still brewing ideas for these paintings I have to make
for my aunts.
I'm scared that they won't turn out good enough.