
Inspiration from a friend

I had a friend come visit for New Years, and last night we went out...and drank...wayyyyyyy too much. I did jager bombs, and I have never done them before. We stayed up until 6 a.m. talking. Hearts to hearts. Drunken ones, fueled by Red Bull, but poignant nonetheless. She has been through hell and back in her short life, and she inspires me. We talked a lot about things that have happened in her life, and I was just amazed at her bravery. At not merely surviving, enduring; but striving for more. She wants to live life to the fullest, be as happy as she can. To keep finding love, loving whom she does have, participating fully in her life. To me, that is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It is something I hope one day I can achieve.

I am still reveling in my re-instated creativity. Tonight I decided to try out hand-stitching on paper. I bought some embroidery floss, some needles and tried a simple pattern on one of my pages. I like it! I like the added texture and element it provides. How fun!


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